5 Most Vibrant Colors for Injection Molded Products

Did you know the global injection molded market size is expected to increase by 4.2% from 2021 to 2028? Want to get ahead of your competitors in this growing market? You need innovative strategies to make your plastic injection molded products stand out from the competition. Consider using vibrant colors.

Vibrant colors can help your products look more appealing and help you increase sales. Not sure what colors to use? Here are some of the most vibrant colors that are perfect for injection-molded products:

Closeup of colorful plastic products

Focus On Red Color

It’s no secret that the red color is a superb choice for injection molded products. Red is a bold color that can make your products pop. Plus, it’s an amazing color for drawing attention to your products. It is also a color that breathes energy, excitement, and power. If you want your products to convey these qualities, use red dyes. Just be sure to use it carefully, as too much red can be overpowering.

You can use a red diketopyrrolopyrrole dye to create a stellar injected molded product. The organic dye offers excellent color strength and extensive opacity and provides top-notch shade, protecting your molded products from light, extreme weather, and heat.

An individual collecting red dye

Use Yellow Color

It’s no surprise that yellow is one of the best options for injection molded products. It is a happy and cheerful color that can help your products stand out. It’s can also grab attention easily, so if you want to increase sales, consider yellow dyes.

You can use yellow isoindolinone dyes to give your injection molded products a bright color. Here are some of its advantages you should know about:

  • High strength
  • Weather-resistant
  • Heat resilient

A yellow plastic sheet

Apply Blue Color

If you’re looking for a way to add some extra flair to your injection molded products, consider using blue color. It’s a vibrant color that can make your products create an outstanding impression on your clients. Undoubtedly, blue shows trustworthiness and reliability, which can help increase customer confidence in your products.

Consider using a blue phthalocyanine dye to give your injected molding products an exceptional color. The blue dyes offer extensive weather, heat, and light resistance and are a top-notch material to apply on your injection molded parts.

A blue plastic cover

Using Violet Color Can Be Beneficial

Did you know that using violet color can be valuable for your injection molded products? If you want to create a striking design for your injection molded products, violet is a great color to consider. It is often associated with royalty, so using it can make your products look more comfortable.

We understand that adding violet color to your injected molded products can be tricky. We recommend using violet quinacridone dyes to give your products a new look. The organic violet dye can increase the color strength and make your product more resistant to external damage.

Consider Brown Color

Brown is a warm color that can give your products a unique look. You can use brown to make your products look natural, as it can give them an earthy look.

You can use diazo pigments on your injection molded products to give them a brown shade. The organic brown dyes can resist light, and heat. It can also keep your products safe from extreme weather.

A brown plastic product

How To Mix Colors For Plastic Injection Molding?

If you’re looking to add a touch of beauty to your injection molded products, consider mixing different colors. It can be an excellent way to create a unique design. But how do you mix colors for plastic injection molding?

Here are a few tips that can be valuable for you:

  • Use a color mixing chart to help you verify the proportions of each color.
  • Test different color combinations until you find the perfect color.
  • Make sure to investigate your colors on a small scale before using them on your final product.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to mix colors for plastic injection molding like a pro!

Importance Of Using Vibrant Colors

It’s no secret that color is one of the most significant factors in product design. After all, color is one of the first things consumers notice about a product. According to a recent study, experts estimate that seventy-five percent of consumer decisions are based on product color. This is why you must choose the right colors for your injection molded products.

Vibrant colors can also help you convey a specific message. For example, if you want your product to showcase a sense of fun and excitement, then using bright, bold colors is an excellent way to do that. On the other hand, if you want your product to convey a more refined and lavish feel, then using richer and darker colors is the way to go.

Vibrant colors can make your products more eye-catching and appealing, which can help increase sales. Additionally, vibrant colors can also assist you in creating a unique product to gain attention.

Creating injection molded products with different colors and textures can be tricky. Designing and manufacturing the products on your own can become a nightmare if you don’t have the technical knowledge. We suggest you take assistance from a reputable plastic injection molding company like PTMS.

Get Technical Assistance From A Reliable Plastic Injection Molding Company

If you want to get your hands on top-of-the-line plastic injection molding products, consider visiting PTMS as soon as possible. We manufacture and timely deliver plastic, silicone, die casting, and metal stamping parts. As a certified injection molding company, we’ve been working in the manufacturing industry since 2002.

Our experienced research and development team can examine new manufacturing methods and enhance product quality. We understand the significance of plastic injection molding and aim to deliver excellent products to our clients.

You can reach out to the representatives at PTMS for more details about our injection molding manufacturing services in China.